Vegetation in the Sunrise Presidio Village

Landscaping in SPV: Several Members at the last HOA Board Meeting asked about the increase of mistletoe in the trees and the issue of dead trees. Chula Vista Landscaping has been our Village’s landscaper for the last few years and have done a great job at keeping our common area clean of dead vegetation. That being said, they limit their activities to three primary areas; the entrance, intersections (for traffic visibility), and overhangs along our roads. If you see some vegetation issues, please contact the board so we can alert the landscaper to take of it.

Mistletoe: Mistletoe infestation issue is one that we can only manage, not eradicate. According to several arborists I have spoken with explained the reason for the infestation this year is due to the fact that this past winter was not cold enough (below 32 degrees) to control the growth. Without the killing frost the mistletoe never died back and kept putting out berries that birds tend to consume and spread around.

In the 2019 budget we are proposing to initiate a more aggressive management approach to mistletoe identification and removal on common area lands. Members are responsible for removal of mistletoe on their private lands. SPV does maintain a list of reputable landscapers and arborists that you may contact. Chula Vista Landscapers will focus on the area within 15 feet of roadways. If there is an infestation that is not along the roads let us know and we can figure out an appropriate approach.

Follow this link to learn more about Mistletoe

Center Village and Craycroft: Lastly, several Members identified a concern with vegetation in the median of Craycroft Road that interfered with a clear line of sight when trying to turn left from Center Village Drive onto Craycroft. Pima County was contacted and they did come out to trim the vegetation back. The bigger problem for visibility is that there is a slight dip in the south heading lane which tends to “hide” small cars heading downhill momentarily. Trimming vegetation helps a bit but it does not solve the bigger problem of the dip. Be safe!

Let us know if you see a vegetation problem in the village and we will do our best to address it. Contact Us